What happens when you can no longer smell or taste normally after a Covid infection?
Mariana Castro-Salzman lost much of her senses of taste and smell |
Tragically, one of the symptoms of having Covid 19 is losing your sense of smell. This is one the main symptoms according to doctors, that almost certainly indicates an infection with Covid 19. Unfortunately in some cases, 10% of the people infected, this can lead to a long term inability to smell. After she recovered from Covid 19 Mariana Castro-Salzman could no longer detect many smells that she could before her infection and some of the foods and drinks she used to love, like onions and garlic, tasted terrible to her, while other oders like coffee, smelled terrible. A complete loose of smell is called anosmia and a changed sense of smell, where smells are distorted, is called parosmia. Sadly for some people that recover from the virus, parosmia has become a permanent or long term condition lasting more than a year.
Even though Mariana tried many remedies including aroma therapy, she has not been able to regain her senses of normal smell and taste. Smells that she used to enjoy now make her feel like getting sick. However, there is hope for people in this situation called 'smell training', where the patient repeatedly sniffs an old smell they used to enjoy and try to recall the original, enjoyable feeling associated with that particular scent. Although it is a long and hard process, it does offer hope for people who have recovered from Covid 19 but have sadly developed parosmia. It is one more price that tragically some people have paid after contracting the virus.
Question: Has anyone you know experienced this condition?
To regain their sense of smell months after contracting COVID-19, some are willing to try anything
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